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The Dates section includes properties related to dates in TMG events.

Include Sort Dates

GEDCOM 7.0 includes support for sort dates via the SDATE TAG. When the GEDCOM Format.Gedcom Version property is set to "7.0", TMG to GEDCOM ignores the GEDCOM Tags.Sort Date Tag and Include Sort Dates properties.

The Include Sort Dates property determines whether Sort Date records are written to the GEDCOM file. The default is "Only different sort dates", which is explained below.

The GEDCOM 5.5.1 specification does not include a tag for sort date values. Some programs accommodate sort dates using custom GEDCOM tags. If you want to include sort date values, choose one of the values below:

  • All sort dates – TMG to GEDCOM will write sort date records for any TMG event that has a non-empty sort date value.
  • Only different sort dates – TMG to GEDCOM will write sort date records for any TMG event that has a non-empty sort date value that is not the same as the event's date.
  • No sort dates – TMG to GEDCOM will not write any sort date records.

When writing sort date values, TMG to GEDCOM uses the custom GEDCOM tag defined in the Sort Date Tag property in the GEDCOM Tag Names section.

Include Change Dates

The Include Change Dates property detemines whether TMG to GEDCOM includes a person's last change date in the GEDCOM file. The default value is checked.